Check into the nets to keep informed of important happenings and updates that affect PAARC members. There is time for general discussions and comments.  All nets are open to any licensed individual, so check in!

  • Repeater Nets on Wed. and Sun. feature K3BVQ’s Trivia Questions
  • 220 Repeater Net, Wed. at 8:00 pm on 224.020
  • 50.130 USB 6M Magician’s Net, Wed. at 8:30 pm
  • 50.400 AM  6M Mini Boat Anchor Net, Wed. at 9:00 pm, Net Control: Steve, K3ALV
  • 10M Net Tues. and Thurs. at 8:30 pm on 28.421, USB. Net control is Ed, K3BVQ

Fox Hunt frequency: 147.510


WED7:30 PM147.2102MFM Repeater
WED8:00 PM224.0201.25MFM Repeater
WED8:30 PM50.1306MUSB
WED9:00 PM50.4006MAM
SUN7:30 PM443.5570cmFM Repeater
TUES & THURS8:30 PM 28.42110MUSB