PAARC will offer an Amateur Radio License testing sessions on Friday, April 1 at 5:00 pm, before our regular First Friday meetings at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., (intersection of Swamp Pike & Kugler Rd.) Limerick, PA 19468.
Go for your license or try for an upgrade.

You can pre-register for the test by sending an email request to VETesting@PAARC.NET.

What to Bring to an Exam Session

– Two forms of ID, or 1 photo ID
– Test fee of $15.00
– If upgrading, your current license and a copy (we cannot make copies at the session), and any current valid CSCE’s (original and one copy)
– Two or more pencils
– Calculator, if desired

All test sessions administered by examiners accredited by The American Radio Relay League, Inc.