Mar 27, 2025 | Amateur Radio, Club event, Education, POTA
May the Fourth Be With You!
Join us on Sunday, May 4, 2025 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, for the PAARC in the Park Parks on the Air (POTA) event, featuring the POTA Jedi Council of the Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club.
Evansburg State Park Pavilion A will be electrified with radio force as we host an Amateur Radio POTA extravaganza! Come and explore the world of amateur radio with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to learn, or eager to show off your skills, there’s something for everyone at this event. Join us for a day of camaraderie and discovery amidst the natural beauty of Evansburg State Park.
Evansburg State Park Pavillion A – 851 Mayhall Rd, Collegeville, PA 19426
Please share on Social Media! #PAARCinthePARK #POTA #AmateurRadio #EvansburgStatePark #HamRadio
Mar 29, 2025 | Amateur Radio, Hamfest
April 26 Delmarva Radio & Electronics Expo and ARRL State Convention
Cheer Community Center,
20520 Sand Hill Road, Georgetown, DE 19947
April 26 York HAMFEST
One of the Area’s oldest Hamfests, their 69th Year. Gleview Alliance Church, Glen Rock, PA.
May 4 Warminster ARC HAMFEST & ARRL EPA Section Convention
K3DN Warminster Amateur Radio Club
Gate opens at 7 am (6 am for vendors). Indoor and outdoor facilities. $8 per person. Unlicensed spouses and kids are free. Held rain or shine. Presentations throughout the day. VE testing at 10 am. DXCC checking. Get the flyer:
Bucks County Community College, Lower Bucks Campus, 1304 Veterans Highway (Route 413), Bristol, PA 19007.
Hamfest GPS Coordinates are: Latitude: 40.112755 |Longitude: -74.876504
From I-95:(North from Philadelphia or South from New Jersey) Take I-95 to Exit 40 (formerly Exit 26) – Bristol. Turn right at exit. Make first left at the light at Rockview Drive.
May 9-10 Kutztown Radio Show
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club:
Get the flyer:
Two days of radio related activity with an incredible selection os antique radios and gear.
Friday 7am-5pm, Saturday 7am-Noon. Friday night auction at 5:30 pm at Renninger’s Kutztown.
May 16, 17, 18 HAMVENTION, Xenia, OH
Greene County Fair & Expo Center 
This year’s theme, “Radio Independence.” The ARRL National Convention at Hamvention will have excellent speakers and opportunities to learn.This is your chance to see all your radio friends from around the world. It is exciting to be part of the Amateur Radio Community!
Sep 19, 2024 | Amateur Radio, Classes, STEM
Oct. 5 & 12 (In-person class)
The Reading Radio Club Technician Training Class
The two day in-person class will be held at the Berks County Fire Training Center, Morgantown Road, on October 5th and 12th, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. An online session will take place during the week of October 6th for additional content and questions. To register for the free training class, please email “training at w2slh dot com”.
The class will be followed by an exam session on Oct. 12th at 2:30 PM for students and the general public. To Register for the Exam please email “exam at” or use the following link:
The ARRL exam fee is $15 for those over 18 and $5 for those under 18, payable to the Reading Radio Club. New licensees must also pay a $35 FCC fee, while there is no FCC fee for license upgrades.
Apr 13, 2023 | Amateur Radio, Meeting, QRP
Join us on Friday, May 5th, 2023 at 7:00 pm for the PAARC monthly meeting at 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Ed Breneiser, WA3WSJ will give a presentation on Pedestrian Mobile. If you like and amateur radio and backpacking, QRP, or POTA, you will enjoy this presentation.
See WA3WSJ’s Place website:
See Ed Breneiser’s books on Amazon:
Note: We will not have a license exam session before this meeting.
Apr 13, 2023 | Amateur Radio, ARRL, Events
From the ARRL:
World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is held on April 18 every year and is celebrated by radio amateurs and their national associations which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that the IARU was formed in Paris. American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Co-Founder Hiram Percy Maxim was its first president.
The IARU announced that Human Security for All (HS4A) will be this year’s World Amateur Radio Day theme. The day is being celebrated with a 2-week operating event occurring April 11 – 25. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security describes ‘human security’ as “a more powerful, lasting approach to the most difficult deficits in peace and development,” such as poverty, war, and natural disasters.
ARRL encourages all radio amateurs to take to the airwaves for WARD, to enjoy our global friendship with other amateurs, and to show our skills and capabilities to the public.
More information about 2023 World Amateur Radio Day is available at and

World Amateur Radio Day is April 18