Club Meeting – 2/7: Mesh Networks

Join us at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick, PA for a presentation on AREDN mesh networks by Tom Nolan, W3EX. Tom is our Montgomery County ARES Emergency Coordinator. Refreshments served. All are welcome to attend.  

There will also be an amateur radio license exam at 5:00 pm at this location. See the License Exams page to learn how to sign up, and for more details. 

Eastern Pennsylvania Traffic Nets

Eastern Pennsylvania Traffic Nets
Updated on 11/31/2019

Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) (CW)
3585 Khz (CW)
7PM and 10PM Daily

Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net (EPAEPTN)
3917 KHz (LSB)
5 PM Local Time Daily

Pennsylvania Fone Net
3910 KHz (LSB) (after 11/11/19 moves to 3907)
8 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday

PABMS (digital)
3583 (USB)
8 AM Sunday

Limerick Generating Station Drill – 11/19

The Limerick Generating Station Emergency Preparedness Drill will occur this Tuesday November 19.  As we have done in the past, PAARC has granted permission for Montgomery County ARES to use the 147.21 repeater and Berks County ARES to use the 224.02 repeater during this exercise.  It is possible that some activity may also show up on the 443.55  repeater.

We are requesting that normal communications that would occur on our repeaters be minimized or curtailed during the drill.  It is expected that the drill will be active between 4 PM and 8 PM.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Bob K3DBD, K3ZMC Trustee

– Learn About ARES Connect
– Berks County ARES-RACES
– Chester County CCAR
– Montgomery County MCAR

Club Meeting on 11/1: Resistance, with K3EUI

Join us for the PAARC monthly club meeting on Friday, November 1st at 7:00 pm for a presentation by Barry Feierman, K3EUI on resistors and resistance. Refreshments: pie and coffee. All are welcome to join us at St. James Lutheran Church, Kugler Rd. and Swamp Pike, Limerick, PA.

There will be a Amateur Radio license exam session prior to the meeting at 5:00 pm. Visit this page for details on how to sign up and what to bring.