Sep 19, 2024 | Amateur Radio, Classes, STEM
Oct. 5 & 12 (In-person class)
The Reading Radio Club Technician Training Class
The two day in-person class will be held at the Berks County Fire Training Center, Morgantown Road, on October 5th and 12th, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. An online session will take place during the week of October 6th for additional content and questions. To register for the free training class, please email “training at w2slh dot com”.
The class will be followed by an exam session on Oct. 12th at 2:30 PM for students and the general public. To Register for the Exam please email “exam at” or use the following link:
The ARRL exam fee is $15 for those over 18 and $5 for those under 18, payable to the Reading Radio Club. New licensees must also pay a $35 FCC fee, while there is no FCC fee for license upgrades.
Jan 30, 2023 | Classes
A “Winlink for Rookies” class is now in the works with priority signups for operators in the EPA section of ARRL. This will be a four week series of meetings, all on Zoom. You do not need to be an ARRL member. There is no fee.
- Download Winlink Express and register your call.
- A VARA license is recommended, but optional.
- Dates are March 4,11,18, and 25th.
- Please sign up for all four sessions.
- To register: contact
I need:
Your full name, call, location, telephone contact, type of rig and type of sound card.
De k3eui Barry
West Chester PA
Jul 16, 2020 | Amateur Radio, Classes, EPA, Webinar, Zoom
To All EPA Hams:
The ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section will be hosting the next in our series of Webinars, “I’m On (or Almost On) DMR. So Now What?” on Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Mark Wheeler, KZ3MW, will be presenting this webinar on Zoom.
If you are interested in learning about Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) and are interested in learning more about this mode before investing in a radio or you’ve been using DMR for a while but would like to get some questions answered, this webinar is for you.
Please send an email to w3gwm@ arrl dot org to register. If you have any specific questions, send those too and we’ll try to get them answered.
73, George W3GWM
Eastern PA Section Manager

Mar 13, 2019 | Classes, Events
The Education Alliance for Amateur Radio is sponsoring a Ham Radio Technician Cram Class. This is a 8 hour cram class broken into two 4 hour sessions. Studying is essential- It usually takes about 10 hours of study to master the tech exam materials (not including the 8 hours of the cram class). Not only will we review the material needed for the exam, but also we would like to get you on the air and show the fun of having your “ticket”.
Location: Upper Pottsgrove Twp Bldg (Farmington Ave)
Dates: Sunday March 31st and Sunday April 14 from 10 am – 2 pm (you need to attend both classes)
Cost $25 (payable at 3/31 class)
Light refreshments will be available
Testing would be after the second class, but not required.
Seating is limited. Only 5 seats are left.Please let me know by March 24th if you plan to attend.
Click here to contact the sponsor
Dec 21, 2018 | Classes, Events
The Education Alliance for Amateur Radio is offering a free D-Star training class on February 17, 2019 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Upper Pottstgrove Twp. Bldg., 1409 Farmington Ave, Pottstown PA. Topics to be covered are D-star basics, using android apps with D-Star, and an intro to DRATS. Light refreshments will be served. The class is free of charge. This is a hands on class so bring your D-star radio, laptop and or android tablet or device. Limited number of loaner radios will be available. Programming assistance will be available as well. RSVP before February 10, 2019 to Walt Skavinsky, KB3SBC at