Jan. 3 – Antenna Analyzers with WA3VEE

Please join us on Friday, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. Ron Medykiewicz, WA3VEE will give and presentation on antenna analyzers. All radio amateurs are welcome to attend. Refreshments served. 

Dec. 1 Meeting: Member Night

Please join us on Friday,Dec. 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. It’s Member Night and we will have short presentations by members. Learn about military radios with Walt, KB3SBC and AREDN Mesh with Ben, KE3KQ. ARRL EPA Section Manager Bob Wilson, W3BIG will be visiting the club. Please join us for our last meeting of the year! Holiday refreshments will be served.

There will not be a Board election at the 12/6 meeting since those who were nominated at the November meeting ran unopposed.

June 8: PAARC Fox Hunt

PAARC’s next fox hunt will be on June 8, 2024 beginning at 9:30 am. We will start at the Upper Parking Lot of the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464  N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min.  Jim, K3CHJ will be the fox.

Learn more about fox hunting, aka transmitter hunting, here: https://www.paarc.net/fox-hunting/

April 28 – PAARC in the Park POTA Event

This event was a great success. See the write up in the PAARC May Newsletter and the EPA Section blog post by the Section Manager, Bob Willson, W3BIG. 
Original post:
Get ready for an electrifying event! Join us for an Amateur Radio Parks on the Air (POTA) extravaganza at Evansburg State Park Pavilion A on April 28, 2024!  
Date: April 28, 2024 Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM local time

Location: Evansburg State Park Pavilion A

Upcoming POTA event in southeastern Pennsylvania. you are officially invited to the PAARC in the Park event. Date: April 28, 2024 Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM local time Location: Evansburg State Park Pavilion A, Evansburg State Park US-1351 – 851 Mayhall Rd., Collegeville, PA 19426-1202 Talk-in 147.210 + 131.8 (K3ZMC) What3Words- ///mystic.switch.clean
Click here for the flyer
Refreshments and snacks will be provided the event is free of charge. Please feel free to visit. Activators are welcome!
The Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (K3ZMC) is hosting this event. The aim is to show other hams how to activate a POTA station with minimal special equipment, focusing on what’s already available to most. Sharing their experience is what we call our “League of Extraordinary POTAMEN” emphasizing their expertise and unique approaches The four featured POTA veterans, Pete Kobak K0BAK, Greg Malone WA3GM, Joel Rubincam NF3R, and Bill Hewitt W3FRB, are showcasing the symbiotic relationship between activators and hunters in POTA. The program will also stress the importance of both roles, as activators rely on hunters, and many hunters transition into activators to support each other. Whether you’re new to POTA, an experienced operator, or simply curious, the event highlights the flexibility and challenges of the activity. POTA allows participants to pursue their interests in their own way, emphasizing the importance of skills and adaptability in dealing with various elements. This event not only showcases the excitement of POTA but also fosters learning and community among amateur radio enthusiasts in the region. See you there!
This event was featured in this weeks Amateur Radio Newsline https://www.arnewsline.org/news/2024/4/18/amateur-radio-newsline-report-2425-for-friday-april-19th-2024 (8:01 minutes in).
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