Club Field Day – June 26 & 27

We have a location for PAARC’s ARRL Field Day 2021 once again at Welkinweir on June 26th and 27th. Due to the lingering pandemic this event is a members-only event. Our special event callsign is W3U. If we have a GOTA station it will be K3ZMC. Members will discuss field day at the June 4th meeting on Zoom. See the field day webpage here:

Welkinweir is a permanently preserved 224 acre rural property with a focus on ecological issues, sustainability, and land stewardship.  It is beautiful and on the top of a modest hill.  The property is closed on the weekends so our usage is likely to be one of few events happening on the property.  

If you want to keep up on the plans for Field Day, there is a sub group on the PAARC forum specifically for Field Day so just join that subgroup.

ARRL rule changes from last year remain in effect with minor modifications (class D &E power limit) so club members have can work field day at Welkinweir or participate from home according to the ARRL classifications from last year. 

Learn more about ARRL Field Day here:

PAARC Field Day – June 27 & 28

We will not be at Welkinweir for Field Day since it’s closed for public events for now. Instead, individuals will operate from the location of their choice, and members can attribute their scores to the club on the ARRL submission form. Our official contest club name is Pottstown Area ARC. See our Field Day page.

Club Field Day discussions are on our Field Day subgroup. Write to secretary@paarc dot net for more information.

Good luck everyone and stay safe and healthy!

Learn more about ARRL Field Day:

ARRL Field Day Facebook Group:

Logging Software
The following logging software is known to offer a Field Day profile, and/or can be used for logging Field Day contacts.

FDLog (watch the web site for FD2020 software update)
N3FJP (updated for FD2020)
N1MM+ (updated for FD2020)

Entries must be postmarked or submitted via web app at by Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

ARRL Field Day 2020 logo