Apr 11, 2019 | Club event, Club Meeting
Join us on Friday, May 3rd at 7:00 pm for a presentation on radio frequency interference, with Barry Feierman K3EUI We meet at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Refreshments served. All are welcome. Preceeding the meeting at 5:00 pm there will be a Amateur Radio license exam session. Visit the License Exam page.
Looking ahead: June 7th – 6:30 pm Absolute Auction for items donated to the club. Lots of items! All are welcome.
Apr 28, 2018 | Club event, Events, STEM
Exeter Township School District hosted their annual “Spring in to STEM” fair on April 26, 2018. The purpose of the event is to engage students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Club members Jon Durand, N8EUL, and Shawn Pauley, W3SMP, attended and hosted an Amateur Radio table. Youth-oriented handouts were made available, and they demonstrated how to receive weather images from NOAA satellites with a home made antenna and an SDR. They also fielded questions from the 700+ in attendance and encouraged those that expressed interest in the hobby to attend the upcoming events and meetings of both PAARC and the Reading Radio Club. Learn more about the STEM Fair from the Reading Eagle (paywall): http://www.readingeagle.com/news/article/over-700-turn-out-for-spring-into-stem-fair-in-exeter-school-district
Sep 3, 2018 | Club event, Events, Special Event
Due to anticipated rain, the PAOP Fly-In Breakfast has been postponed to Sunday, Sept. 16. The location is Heritage Field, in Limerick, PA. See modern, antique airplanes and warbirds, go for an airplane ride, and more! Breakfast: $8 for adults, $5 or kids. See the flyer: https://www.1250.eaachapter.org/newsevents.htm
RC/KC3HRV and Paul/KC3HSQ will be on site showcasing Amateur Radio on behald of PAARC. Tim, W3UE is the PAOP president and a PAARC member. Stop by and say hi!
Sep 3, 2018 | Club event, Fox Hunt
The next PAARC foxhunt (transmitter hunt) will be this coming Saturday, Sept. 8, with a 9:00 am start. We are starting an hour earlier than past hunts. We’ll begin at the Pottsgrove Middle School upper parking lot 1351 N. Hanover St. Pottstown 19464. All are welcome. Any questions contact Jim k3ch at arrl.net
Jul 7, 2018 | Club event, Club Meeting, Events
Club members and friends are welcome to join us for our annual ice cream social on Friday, Aug. 3, at 7:00 pm. Enjoy a fun eyeball QSO with friends and a sundae bar plus root beer floats. Bring a home brew project to show off and share. Monthly presentations and VE test sessions resume on first Fridays beginning Sept. 7th.