PAARC Fox Hunt – 7/28

Dori K3TES and I will be hosting the next PAARC foxhunt on July 28th at 10:00 am starting from the Pottsgrove Middle School, 1351 N. Hanover St. Hope to see the usual gang plus some new hunters! – Al, AG3T
(See the Fox Hunt web page for more info on transmitter hunts.)

Picnic – 7/6, 6:30 pm

Join us for the Hot Dogs & Hams Summer Picnic on Friday, July 6, 2018 at 6:30 pm at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick.  Tickets are $10 per person for members and their guests, $5 for kids 16 and under, and $15 for non-members. Please pay Melody KB3SJR in advance at a club meeting. It’ll help us get a better attendee count. The 7/6 picnic replaces the usual monthly meeting presentation.  If you didn’t pay in advance please email Melody to tell us you are coming at secretary at paarc dot net.

Come hungry! We’ll dine in the air-conditioned comfort of our large meeting room at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick, PA. Outdoor seating available, weather permitting.  Enjoy a buffet style feast with hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled pork, and plenty of sides like Ed/K3BVQ’s beans, potato salad, coleslaw, watermelon, desserts, and beverages. Door Prizes ♦ Raffles ♦ Fun!

PAARC Fox Hunt – 6/16

Our next PAARC fox hunt (transmitter hunt) will be Saturday, 6/16/18 at 10 AM.  We’ll begin at the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover
St., Pottstown, PA 19464, N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min. Jim, K3CHJ will be the fox. Learn more on our fox hunting page: