Fox Hunt – Aug. 12

fox with antennaThe next fox (transmitter) hunt will be on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017 starting at 10:00 am. We’ll start at the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464 N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min. Learn more on the fox hunting webpage. Bob, K3DBD will be the fox. If anyone needs to borrow equipment contact Jim: k3chj at He has a log periodic antenna, passive & active attenuators, a boat anchor 2m radio with an analog s meter plus a PennDOT map.

Ice Cream Social – Aug. 4

ice cream social signClub members and friends are welcome to join us for  our annual ice cream social on Friday, Aug. 4, at 7:00 pm.  Enjoy this summer opportunity for a fun eyeball QSO with friends! Bring your trip money for the bus to the ARRL on 9/11.  Monthly presentations and VE test sessions resume in Sept.