4/3 Meeting & License Test at the church are canceled

Our Friday, April 3rd meeting and amateur radio license test session at the church have been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. We hope to reschedule the presentation on attic antennas for a later date. Please note the May 1st meeting has a high likelihood of cancelation as well. 

Instead of a face-to-face meeting, PAARC will have a First Friday Repeater Net with Ed, K3BVQ as Net Control. Repeater info: 147.21 / 147.81 MHz  PL 131.8

The board meeting scheduled for 3/20 is also in flux. We will either move it online or postpone it to a later date. 

PAARC is doing what we can to keep our community safe. Thank you for your understanding.

Club Meeting – 2/7: Mesh Networks

Join us at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick, PA for a presentation on AREDN mesh networks by Tom Nolan, W3EX. Tom is our Montgomery County ARES Emergency Coordinator. Refreshments served. All are welcome to attend.  

There will also be an amateur radio license exam at 5:00 pm at this location. See the License Exams page to learn how to sign up, and for more details. 

PAARC Nominates and Elects 2020 Board of Directors

At the November 1, 2019 meeting we held nominations for the 2020 PAARC Board of Directors. The following members were nominated for positions, and since they were the only nominations, they accepted these positions on the board for next year:

2020 Officers with one year terms:
President – Wes Hammerschmidt,  N3HWH
Vice-President – Ed Leshinskie, K3BVQ
Treasurer – Nate Rosenthal, N2ADD
Secretary – Melody Bowers, KB3SJR

Executive Board Member Elected to a 3 year term ending Dec. 2022:
Jay Moyer, K3JY (finishing a term in 2019, and re-elected)

2020 Board Members who continue to serve their terms:
Executive Board – Pete Kobak, K0BAK
Executive Board – Steve Sobota, K3ALV
Club License Trustee – Bob Rex, K3DBD

We are grateful for all who served the board in 2019 including those named above, plus Bill Stauffer, KA3RMM (Club License Trustee) and Ben Trave, K3BJT (Vice-President).  Thank you all for stepping forward to lead the club. And thank you to all who voted at the 11/1/19 meeting.

Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (PAARC) is a 501(c)3 charitable organization focused on education.

Club Meeting – 1/3/2020: Travels with KB3SBC & WA3WSJ

Join PAARC members on Friday, Jan. 3rd, 2020 at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA for a presentation by Walt, KB3SBC, and area author Ed, WA3WSJ, on their many travels in pursuit of amateur radio contacts.  See WA3WSJ’s webpage for his adventures with Pedestrian Mobile.

An Amateur Radio license exam will take place at 5:00 pm prior to the meeting. Visit the License Exam webpage for details on how to sign up.

Club Meeting – Dec. 6: Callsigns Open Mic

Join PAARC members on Friday, Dec. 6, 2019 at 7:00 pm for a pleasant evening with a discussion of callsigns and what your callsign means to you. This is an informal meeting without a presenter, but with an open mic. Here the the types of things you may choose to speak about: your name and call, when you were first licensed and your call then, what class of license you now have, what phonetics you use, who was your first contact, what strange or best looking QSL Card did you ever receive, and what mode of transmission do you prefer.

The 2020 Board was nominated at the Nov. meeting and since there were only single members nominated for each office, we will have a meet and greet of the new board. Holiday refreshments will be served.  We meet at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA.

An Amateur Radio license exam will take place at 5:00 pm prior to the meeting. Visit the License Exam webpage for details on how to sign up.