Club Meeting: 4/5 – Sailing with Amateur Radio

Join us on Friday, April 5th at 7:00 pm for a presentation on the benefits of amateur radio when sailing with Donna Ferron, KB3DCB (moved from March). Pete – K0BAK will also give a brief talk on Parks on the Air. We meet at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA.  Refreshments served. All are welcome.  Preceeding the meeting at 5:00 pm there will be a Amateur Radio license exam session.  Visit the Licesnse Exam page.

CANCELED Club Meeting & VE Test – 3/1

We have cancelled the 3/1 club meeting and VE test session due to anticipated slippery road conditions per the National Weather Service.  

Future Meetings

–  4/5  Donna Ferron KB3CBE Sailing with amateur radio
–  5/3  RF Interference
–  6/7  Roving w/ KOBAK

Board Nominations on 11/2 & Election on 12/14

On November 2nd at 7:00 we will hold nominations for the following: Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (1 yr. term), and a Board Member at Large (3 yr. term). Please consider running for a position on the board. You can help steer the ship in 2019 and beyond. It’s fun being on the board and giving back to a wonderful club and hobby!

On December 14th at 7:00 pm we will elect the our 2019 Board. Please show up to vote on this 2nd Friday club meeting.

2018 Officers:
President: Ed Leshinskie, K3BVQ        Vice-President: Ben Trave, K3BJT
Secretary: Melody Bowers, KB3SJR    Treasurer: Nate Rosenthal, N2ADD
Board Members at Large:
Steve Sobota, K3ALV     Jay Moyer, K3JY    Pete Kobak, K0BAK
Repeater Trustee:  Bill Stauffer, KA3RMM

Members are welcome to view our meeting minutes and financial reports at club meetings. See Melody/KB3SJR – secretary for minutes, or Nate N2ADD – treasurer.

Meeting – 11/2: Electric Vehicles & Plug-in Hybrids

At our monthly meeting on 11/2 at 7:00 pm we will hold nominations for the 2019 PAARC Board. Meeting topic: Electric cars and plug-in hybrids. Ben KE3KQ will discuss the benefits of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. We expect to have a Tesla Model 3 and a Honda Clarity on site. If you have an EV or plug-in hybrid, please bring it. Refreshments served. Location: St James Lutheran Church-Limerick, 93 Kugler Rd, Limerick, PA 19468.

NOMINATIONS: PAARC members will hold nominations for our 2019 Officers with a 1 year term: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer; and a Board Member at Large position with a 3 year term.