Aug. 6th Meeting on Zoom

Join us on Friday, August 6th at 7:00 pm on Zoom for a casual member discussion about ham radio and more. This summer session has no formal presentation and will not be recorded. Members can contact secretary at PAARC dot net for meeting credentials.

May 7th Meeting on Zoom – POTA

Please join us for our first Friday meeting on Zoom on May 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM.  The topic is Parks on the Air (POTA) with PAARC member, Pete Kobak, K0BAK. All hams are welcome to attend. Write to secretary at PAARC dot net for credentials and be sure to include your callsign. 

April 2nd Meeting on Zoom

Monthly Club Meeting on Zoom – April 2, at  7:00 pm. This meeting is for members to share a story, or memorable radio contact, or your favorite radio and why, or your favorite mode and why. Since this meeting is more personal in nature it will not be recorded. Members may join us for this fun community virtual eyeball QSO. Write to secretary at PAARC dot net for Zoom credentials. 

March 5th Meeting on Zoom – Online License Exams

For the Friday, March 5th monthly meeting Tom Nolan, W3EX will give a presentation about what it is like to take an online amateur radio license exam and be a volunteer examiner with GLAARG. If you’re interested in taking an exam or becoming a volunteer examiner (VE) for exams, Tom will help answer your questions along with Lamonte Cuff, N1LC who leads VE team in Philadelphia. 

The meeting presentation on Zoom will begin at 7:00 pm, Friday, March 5, 2021. Contact the secretary for meeting credentials: secretary at PAARC dot net.