Club Meeting on April 1st – Bald Eagles

April Meeting: Friday, April 1st at 7:00 pm
Presenter: Tom Mills/AF4NC, the Assistant Section Mgr./EPAEPTN Net Mgr., is an avid photographer and he’ll share his favorite photos of bald eagles with us.
Location: St. James Lutheran Church, at the corner of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA.

Looking ahead: the May 6th meeting will be on Green radios.

Amateur Radio License Exam – April 1 at 5 pm

PAARC will offer an Amateur Radio License testing sessions on Friday, April 1 at 5:00 pm, before our regular First Friday meetings at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., (intersection of Swamp Pike & Kugler Rd.) Limerick, PA 19468.
Go for your license or try for an upgrade.

You can pre-register for the test by sending an email request to VETesting@PAARC.NET.

What to Bring to an Exam Session

– Two forms of ID, or 1 photo ID
– Test fee of $15.00
– If upgrading, your current license and a copy (we cannot make copies at the session), and any current valid CSCE’s (original and one copy)
– Two or more pencils
– Calculator, if desired

All test sessions administered by examiners accredited by The American Radio Relay League, Inc.

2M Repeater Antenna is Fixed

The club was fortunate to have the assistance of members and friends to get the 2 meter antenna fixed after wind blew some connections loose. It is now working again at normal signal strength.

UPDATE – Club Meeting moved to March 11th

2/12 – We’ve had to move our meeting to a later date. The church is having work done in the room where we meet.
Mark your calendar for the new date: Friday, March 11, at 7:00 pm.  Pete Kobak/K0BAK will present on getting started on operating mobile in HF and VHF contests.  Location: St. James Lutheran Church, at the intersection of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd.

Save the Date:
Friday, April 1st: Tom Mills/AF4NC, the Assistant Section Mgr./EPAEPTN Net Mgr., is an avid photographer of bald eagles and he’ll share his favorite photos with us.