Summer Happenings
PAARC at Welkinweir in Pottstown. Join us! Learn more:
ARRL Field Day page:
ARRL Field Day locator:, 6/30 Harrisburg ARC Firecracker HAMFEST
Opens to public at 8:00 am. Cost: $5 per ham. Harrisburg Area Community College, 3599 Industrial Road, Harrisburg, PA 17101 Talk-In: 146.76 (PL 100) http://www.w3uu.org7/1 – 7/7 13 Colonies Special Event – Independence Week
July 1 (9AM EST) to July 7 (Midnight EST)
All HF bands will be in play, including the WARC bands, with the exception of 60 meters. Simplex on 2 meters and 6 meters is encouraged. All modes of operation may be represented – SSB, CW, RTTY, Digital, Etc. – The mode of operation is up to the individual colony state station. Please refer to the State information pages for details. The 13 Colonies Special Event is a not for profit event.
Fri., 7/6 PAARC Picnic at 6:30 pm
Sat., 7/14 MARC Kimberton HAMFEST
The 2018 MARC Hamfest will be held on Sat., July 14th at the Kimberton Fire Company grounds, Route 113 (742 Pike Springs Road) south of the intersection with Route 23 in Kimberton, PA. Doors open for sellers at 0700 and for buyers at 0800. Admission is $6. and includes a door prize ticket. Visit website for more: Note: PAARC has reserved 2 indoor tables. Members, feel free to bring a few items to sell!
8/3 PAARC Ice Cream Social at 7 pm, St. James Lutheran
Heritage Park, 992 Clematis St, Sinking Spring, PA West on Rt 422 at Rt. 724, after one mile left on Park Ave (just past the Sunoco station on the right); Park Ave 0.3 miles to dead end, left onto Clematis St; 0.2 miles to the entrance to Heritage Park. Talk-In: 146.31+ (PL 131.8). GPS: N 40° 19.320 W 076° 01.950 (need confirmation) | Directions
Opens: 8 AM, Vendors 7 AM; Auction at 12 Noon (for unsold items buyers wish to auction off). Cost: $5, ULS,U18 free; sellers $8. VE Testing*: 8:30 AM (free admission for VE Exam only; test fee applies)
ARRL Special Event Calendar
MARC Valley Forge Hamfest – 7/14
The 2018 MARC Hamfest will be held on Sat., July 14th at the Kimberton Fire Company grounds, Route 113 (742 Pike Springs Road) south of the intersection with Route 23 in Kimberton, PA. Doors open for sellers at 0700 and for buyers at 0800. Admission is $6. and includes a door prize ticket. Visit website for more: Note: PAARC has reserved 2 indoor tables. Members, feel free to bring a few items to sell!
Dayton Hamvention – May 18-20
It’s time to dust off the cob webs of winter and start making plans for a spring trip to Dayton, OH for Hamvention 2018! This is billed as the world’s largest expo for Radio Amateurs since 1952. Hamvention will be held May 18, 19 and 20, 2018 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center. It is worth the trip and a candy land of ham radio gear, as well as a smorgasbord of presentations presentations on topics of interest to Radio Amateurs. It’s worth the trip! Click here for a list of accommodations.
And, If you’re into QRP, check out Four Days In May (FDIM) noted as “the biggest and best QRP event in the World!” held in conjunction with Hamvention. FDIM will be held at the Holiday Inn Fairborn from Thurs., 5/17-19. (No rooms left at this inn.)
Warminster ARC Hamfest – 5/6
The Warminster ARC Hamfest and ARRL Eastern PA Section Convention is Sun., May 6th at Bucks County Community College (Lower Bucks Campus). Opens at 7:00 am. Get the flyer. Talk In on 147.09 and 443.950
Speaker list:
- Joe Taylor, K1JT – “Working the World with WSJT-X”
- Cory Sickles, WA3UVV – “Update on System Fusion and Other Technologies”
- Eastern PA Section Convention Meeting & Open Forum with Tom Abernethy, W3TOM – Director ARRL Atlantic Division and Bob Wiseman, WB3W. Eastern PA Section Manager
- New & Used Ham Radio & PC Equipment
- Huge indoor facilities — Electricity available upon request
- Handicap Parking Available
- Gate admission: $7/person (unlicensed spouses & children under 13 free)
- Tailgating at $10/car-width space (head-in parking) — not including admission
- Approx. 65 indoor spaces available at $15/table — not including admission
- Equipment check-out table
- VE Testing at 10:00 a.m. “seating limited”
- DXCC Card checking
- Door Prize Donors:
DX Engineering