PAARC Board Meeting on Monday, Oct. 28 If you have anything to bring before the board for consideration, please reach out to a board member or write to secretary at paarc dot net. The board meets on Google Meet.
The board meeting conflicts with the Monday Roundtable, so we will skip our weekly gathering on 10/28.
Nominations for the 2025 Board will be taken at the Nov. 1, 2024 club meeting. Elections will take place at the Dec. 6 club. meeting.
PAARC member Bill Hewitt, W3FRB wrote a letter to Mike, K8MRD about our recent PAARC in the Park POTA event. K8MRD then featured the club in one of his “Hamradiotube” Youtube Channelvideos. Check out K8MRD’s “My Definition of a Great Ham Radio Club” video here:
PAARC welcomes the following new members for 2021:
K3FF Rene Paladini
KC3ACM Karen Bellamy
KC3ACL Ron Bellamy KC3IBP Ron Martell
K3JPC John Collins KC3EBO Charles Gilbert KC3PGT Chris Hotchkiss KC3QVK Darrin Lott
KC3SEJ Robert Sulla
KC3SFV Robert M. Sulla
W3HHF Paul Montgomery KC3MHQ Adam Pagliaro, Jr. KJ3P Jim Perry N3KQN Richard Remick K3ITH Dick Stewart
N3ZRW Joe Weischedel
W3BL Elkins Wetherill
Some new members may have joined late in 2020 and their membership carried over to this year. Others may have previously been members and returned. Thank you for supporting PAARC!
Please join us for our first Friday meeting on Zoom on May 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM. The topic is Parks on the Air (POTA) with PAARC member, Pete Kobak, K0BAK. All hams are welcome to attend. Write to secretary at PAARC dot net for credentials and be sure to include your callsign.
2024 MEETINGS First Friday Meetings are at 7:00 pm
at St. James Lutheran Church except in summer ⇒ Jan. 5 Drones
⇒ Feb. 2 Radiation & You
⇒ Mar. 1 Oscilloscopes & Multimeters
⇒ Apr. 5 Antique Radios
⇒ May 3 Police Technology
⇒ June 7 Ice Cream Social ⇒ July 5 & Aug. 2 online only
⇒ Sept. 6 Club Social
⇒ Oct. 4 Fire Safety
⇒ Nov. 1 Board Nominations
⇒ Dec. 6 Member Night & Election
EVENTS ⇒ Apr. 28 PAARC in the Park POTA ⇒ June 8 Fox Hunt
⇒ June 22-23 Field Day at Welkinweir
⇒ Feb. 3, 2025
LICENSE EXAMS Held on most first Fridays at 5:00 pm except during July & Aug. No walk-ins. Dates may change.
Next exam: Jan. 3, 2025 Register for an Exam
BREAKFASTS All hams welcome. WQ Diner, 99 King St.-Rt. 100, Pottstown ⇒ Sundays 7 am ⇒ Weds. 9 am