UHF 443.55 Repeater Update

The UHF Repeater 443.55 was removed for service on 3/23/25. One of the cooling fans has failed and needs to be replaced. There are two fans in each repeater, Presently, the fans run continuously. The cabinet fan has failed, the condition of the second fan on the transmitter heat sink is unknown.  Both will be replaced and a temperature controller will be installed which will control the fans to run only at a set temperature. Expect the repeater to be down for several days. The 2 meter repeater fans will be replaced later.
– PAARC Technical Committee

EPA Section DMR Net – Thursdays at 7:30 pm

From the ARRL EPA Section website: We’ve been having a lot of activity on the EPA Section DMR Brandmeister Talkgroup. If you have a Hotspot our Talkgroup is 31426. I try to monitor whenever I can. We’re going to try holding a net. Most people seem free on Thursday evenings, so we’ll meet at 7:30 PM. The purpose of the net is to discuss all things DMR. We’ll try to answer questions and provide information about DMR and even other Talkgroups you might find interesting. Everyone is welcome. If you have a radiogram you’d like to send, we’ll accept messages to be sent via the National Traffic System. This will be a low-key net stressing good fellowship between Hams active on DMR in Eastern Pennsylvania. Anyone from anywhere is welcome to join us. Possibly, once we’re established, we could have check-ins from virtually anywhere in the world!

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM.


George Miller, W3GWM
EPA Section Manager

10M Roundtable Net Nightly at 9 PM

Try checking out 28.421 USB nightly at 9:00 PM (except Wed.). We’re trying to form the 10 meter Roundtable Net. Dennis, KA3RIX will be net control. 

Control Ops Needed for EPA Section Nets

Posted: 11/18/19: Net Control Operators are needed for EPAEPTN. At the moment I have openings available Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. NCS is also needed for the PA Fone Net on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you are interested in any session, please contact me. Experience not necessary. NCS is really easy and we will provide training.


George W3GWM
Eastern PA Section Manager