UHF 443.55 Repeater Update

The UHF Repeater 443.55 was removed for service on 3/23/25. One of the cooling fans has failed and needs to be replaced. There are two fans in each repeater, Presently, the fans run continuously. The cabinet fan has failed, the condition of the second fan on the transmitter heat sink is unknown.  Both will be replaced and a temperature controller will be installed which will control the fans to run only at a set temperature. Expect the repeater to be down for several days. The 2 meter repeater fans will be replaced later.
– PAARC Technical Committee

2025 PAARC Board Nominations

At the Fri., Nov. 1, 2024 meeting we will seek member nominations for five(5) 2025 PAARC Board positions. If you cannot attend the meeting, you may email your nominations to secretary at paarc dot net by 10/31. Please include your name and callsign. 

Everyone who currently serves in expiring positions are willing to serve again. You are welcome to nominate additional members, including yourself, for any of these positions. The election for contested positions will be held at the Dec. 6, 2024 club meeting. You will also have the opportunity to send your choices via email.   

Here’s the list of positions and their terms:
Officers / One year term
President,  Vice-President,  Secretary,  Treasurer
Executive Board  / Three year term
One position


Current 2024 PAARC Board Members
President: Walt Skavinsky, KB3SBC
Vice President: Glenn Nester, WA3LAB 
Secretary: Melody Bowers, KB3SJR
Treasurer: Nate Rosenthal, N2ADD

Executive Board Members
Ed Leshinskie, K3BVQ (term expiring)
Ron Donovan, WA8YIH 
Steve Sobota, K3ALV 

Past President
Wes Hammerschmidt, N3HWH

Club License Trustee

Bob Rex, K3DBD

The PAARC Board of Directors, with the assistance of involved members, oversees the support of and funding for club assets, monthly meetings, special events, license exams, outreach, and strives to build a positive and sustainable vision for PAARC’s future.  The Board meets quarterly, or more often as needed.  

PAARC is a 501(c)3 non-profit association of radio amateurs.  PAARC exists to promote the growth and awareness of amateur radio in the region, to educate and encourage members to get active and get on the air. We encourage radio experimentation to advance radio technology knowledge, build skills, and serve the public interest and safety. 

Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club Constitution & Bylaws:  https://www.paarc.net/bylaws/
Send any questions to secretary at paarc dot net, or speak to any board member. 

    Thank you for your membership, and for being an engaged member of your club!

June 8: PAARC Fox Hunt

PAARC’s next fox hunt will be on June 8, 2024 beginning at 9:30 am. We will start at the Upper Parking Lot of the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464  N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min.  Jim, K3CHJ will be the fox.

Learn more about fox hunting, aka transmitter hunting, here: https://www.paarc.net/fox-hunting/