Jan 16, 2021 | News
The FCC approved new license fees for Amateur Radio and the GMRS.According to the FCC Report and Order released December 29, 2020, The new Amateur Radio license fee is $35. This fee will apply to new licenses, renewal licenses, and vanity call signs. Previously, no fees were collected for ham licenses or vanity call signs issued to amateur radio operators, so technically it is a significant change. However, it is less than the $50 fees originally proposed by the FCC. A GMRS license will now cost $35, down from $70. The license is still valid for 10 years and covers an entire family.
Jan 16, 2021 | Events, News
Hamvention 2021 is canceled due to setbacks with the pandemic. The committee said the show would return in 2022 and hinted at a QSO party for Hamvention weekend. In November, Hamvention had announced that “The Gathering” would be the theme for the 2021 show. Article: http://www.arrl.org/news/dayton-hamvention-cancels-2021-show
Jan 31, 2021 | Club event, News, Zoom
Come Zoom with us on Sunday, Jan. 31 at 8:00 pm for a discussion of the impending storm, Contact secretary at paarc dot net for Zoom credentials.
Jan 16, 2021 | News, Special Event
Winter Field Day is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating
preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun in the midst of winter for American, Canadian and DX Amateurs. Don’t let those winter doldrums keep you locked up in the house… get out and play some radio. Winter Field Day runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Sunday. For 2020, the dates are January 25th and 26th. Station set-up may commence no earlier than 1900 UTC (2pm EST) on Friday before. Station setup may consume no more than 12 hours total. How & when you schedule/spend those 12 hours is up to you. Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters. Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without conversion table… CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc…(note FT8 and FT4 cannot). There are 3 categories of entry: Indoor, Outdoor, and Home.
Oct 13, 2020 | Club Meeting, News, Zoom
Join us for our monthly club meeting and Zoom presentation at 7:00 pm on Friday, November 6. Barry Feierman, K3EUI will present on antenna matching. Interested Amateur Radio operators should contact the secretary at “secretary at paarc dot net” for the Zoom credentials.