Jul 14, 2022 | Club Station, Special Event
The Reading Radio Club will celebrate their 100th anniversary with their W3BN Special Event station on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. There will be a beautiful keepsake certificate to commemorate your QSO with them. Details to come.
As part of this celebration, VHF operators will activate the Reading Pagoda between 1 pm and 2 pm on simplex frequency 146.550 MHz to give local hams an opportunity to get on the log. More to come!
Jun 29, 2022 | 13 Colonies, EPA Section, Special Event
The Fourteenth Annual
13 Colonies Special Event
This year’s theme: Land Battles of the Revolution
July 1 (9AM Eastern) to July 7 (Midnight Eastern)
(July 1, 2022-1300 UTC to July 8, 2022-0400 UTC)
- In addition to the 13 state stations, there are 3 bonus stations: Philadelphia, Great Britain, and France.
- All HF bands will be in play, including the WARC bands, with the exception of 60 meters. Simplex on 2 meters and 6 meters is encouraged.
- The Special Event stations are on the east coast and, are very close to each other. It will be harder for these states to contact each other so, use of 40m-160m is encouraged.
- All modes of operation may be represented – SSB, CW, RTTY, Digital, Etc. – The mode of operation is up to the individual colony state station. Please refer to the State information pages for details.
- The 13 Colonies Special Event is a not for profit event. All certificate donations are used to fund the next year’s event, and to defray any expenses occurred. All donations are used for operating costs, supplies, equipment, and 13 Colony Group initiatives. Donation is voluntary.

Also, see the website for the Philadelphia bonus station WM3PEN:
Jan 16, 2022 | Contesting, Field Day, Special Event
January 29 to 30, 2022 – Several PAARC members are planning to work outside their QTH for Winter Field Day. The team that created the event says it is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun in the midst of winter for American, Canadian, and DX Hams. Why not bundle up and get out and play some radio!
When: Winter Field Day runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Sunday. For 2022 the dates are January 29th and 30th. Station set-up may commence no earlier than 1900 UTC (2pm EST) on the Friday before. Station setup may consume no more than 12 hours total.
Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters. 
Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without a conversion table… CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc… (note FT8 & FT4 cannot)
Suggested Frequencies:
HF CW – 1810-1820, 3.530-3.550, 7.030-7.050, 14.035-14.055, 21.030-21.050, 28.030- 28.040
HF SSB – lowest 30 kHz of the US General Class Phone bands (160m-15m), 28.400- 28.425MHz (10m)
6m/VHF/UHF – adjacent to, but not on, nationally recognized simplex calling channels.
Oct 26, 2021 | News, Special Event
Able Archer 2021 Special Event
6 Nov 2021 1400 hrs UTC through 7 Nov 2021 1700 hrs UTC
Operation will be on 29.65 mc FM, 51.00 mc FM, 75 & 40, 20,18,10 meters USB, RTTY at 7080mc on ONLY COLD WAR military radio equipment.
1983 Brink of the Apocalypse
Able Archer 83 was a ten-day (NATO) communications exercise starting on November 2, 1983, that spanned Western Europe, centered on the Supreme Headquarters Allied Europe Headquarters, Able Archer exercises simulated a period of conflict escalation, culminating in a simulated DEFCON 1
coordinated nuclear attack The exercise also introduced a new, unique format of coded communication, radio silences, and the participation of heads of government.
The realistic nature of the 1983 exercise, coupled with deteriorating relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and the anticipated arrival of Pershing II nuclear missiles in Europe, led some members of the Soviet Politburo and military to believe that Able Archer 83 was a ruse of war, obscuring preparations for a genuine nuclear first strike In response, the Soviets readied their nuclear forces and placed air units in East Germany and Poland on alert. This is known as the 1983 war scare.
The 1983 war scare is considered by many historians to be the closest the world has come to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. the threat of nuclear war ended with the conclusion of the exercise on November 11.
To recognize the sacrifices of our military, signal corps, and members of the clandestine services during this critical time in the history of the cold war, we will host a special event station. Our special event will consist of operation from a Cold war era Nike Missile site using period style military radios and antennas to make the contacts.
Any questions please contact Walt Skavinsky (KB3SBC) kb3sbc@…
Check out our new web address with expanded content and a new video
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Amateur Radio Station KB3SBC
Jan 16, 2021 | News, Special Event
Winter Field Day is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating
preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun in the midst of winter for American, Canadian and DX Amateurs. Don’t let those winter doldrums keep you locked up in the house… get out and play some radio. Winter Field Day runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (2pm EST) Sunday. For 2020, the dates are January 25th and 26th. Station set-up may commence no earlier than 1900 UTC (2pm EST) on Friday before. Station setup may consume no more than 12 hours total. How & when you schedule/spend those 12 hours is up to you. Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters. Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without conversion table… CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc…(note FT8 and FT4 cannot). There are 3 categories of entry: Indoor, Outdoor, and Home.