The club Field Day location is closed to the public for now so members will be operating from home. The good news is that you can submit your field day contacts into the ARRL Web Application and have them accrue to our club. And you get 50 bonus points for using the online tool! The club name to enter on your ARRL entry form is Pottstown Area ARC.
PAARC members who plan to participate in Field Day should be aware that the ARRL has temporarily updated the 2020 rules to accommodate hams operating from home:
1) For Field Day 2020 only, Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points.
Field Day rule 4.6defines Class D stations as “Home stations,” including stations operating from permanent or licensed station locations using commercial power. Class D stations ordinarily may only count contacts made with Class A, B, C, E, and F Field Day stations, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows Class D stations to count contacts with other Class D stations for QSO credit.
2) In addition, for 2020 only, an aggregate club score will be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions).
Ordinarily, club names are only published in the results for Class A and Class F entries, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows participants from any Class to optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day.
→ PAARC Fun Stuff for Members We will also be running the N3JFP Club Score Processor so you can see how the club is doing during the Field Day contest period. See
On Monday, June 15th, at 7:30 PM the ARRL EPA Section will be holding a webinar on the 13 Colonies Special Event coming up on July 1st through the 7th.
Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO, will be the presenter.
If you registered previously you should have received the login instructions for this meeting.
Zoom has added additional security, including encryption, to the level of service we are subscribed to in case you are concerned about security issues. You will not notice these changes but they are in place.
If you are not registered and would like to attend, please contact me at w3gwm at arrl dot net
George Miller W3GWM Eastern Pennsylvania Section Manager
Jan. 25-26 Winter Field Day – https://www.winterfieldday.comThe purpose of Winter Field Day is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun in the midst of winter for American, Canadian and DX Amateurs. Don’t let those winter doldrums keep you locked up in the house…get out and play some radio. Winter Field Day runs for 24 hours during the last full weekend in January each year from 1900 UTC (2 pm EST) Saturday to 1900 UTC (2 pm EST) Sunday. For 2020, the dates are January 25th and 26th. Station set-up may commence no earlier than 1900 UTC (2 pm EST) on Friday before. The station setup may consume no more than 12 hours total. How & when you schedule/spend those 12 hours is up to you. Bands: All Amateur bands, HF, VHF, & UHF except 12, 17, 30 and 60 meters. Modes: Any mode that can faithfully transmit the exchange intact without conversion table… CW, SSB, AM, FM, DStar, C4FM, DMR, Packet, PSK, SSTV, RTTY, Olivia, Satellite, etc…(note FT8 2.0 cannot). The 3 categories of entry: Indoor, Outdoor, and Home.
The Educational Alliance for Amateur Radio (EAAR) will be participating in Hawk Mountain Boy Scouts of America Council’s STEM University at Albright College on January 4, 2020. Weather permitting, they will offer a fox hunt ((transmitter hunt) and also on-air contacts to complete the Radio Merit Badge. Listen for them on D-STAR ref63b or the PAARC 2M repeater to coordinate contacts.
The Limerick Generating Station Emergency Preparedness Drill will occur this Tuesday November 19. As we have done in the past, PAARC has granted permission for Montgomery County ARES to use the 147.21 repeater and Berks County ARES to use the 224.02 repeater during this exercise. It is possible that some activity may also show up on the 443.55 repeater.
We are requesting that normal communications that would occur on our repeaters be minimized or curtailed during the drill. It is expected that the drill will be active between 4 PM and 8 PM.
Thanks for your cooperation. Bob K3DBD, K3ZMC Trustee
2025 MEETINGS First Friday Meetings are at 7:00 pm
at St. James Lutheran Churchexcept in summer ⇒ Jan. 3 Antenna Analyzers ⇒ Feb. 7 Senior Scams
⇒ March 7 Tech Questions Demystified
⇒ Feb. 3, 2025
LICENSE EXAMS Held on most first Fridays at 5:00 pm except during July & Aug. No walk-ins. Dates may change. Next exam: Feb. 7, 2025 Register for an Exam
BREAKFASTS All hams welcome. WQ Diner, 99 King St.-Rt. 100, Pottstown ⇒ Sundays 7 am ⇒ Weds. 9 am