Sep 19, 2024 | Amateur Radio, Classes, STEM
Oct. 5 & 12 (In-person class)
The Reading Radio Club Technician Training Class
The two day in-person class will be held at the Berks County Fire Training Center, Morgantown Road, on October 5th and 12th, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. An online session will take place during the week of October 6th for additional content and questions. To register for the free training class, please email “training at w2slh dot com”.
The class will be followed by an exam session on Oct. 12th at 2:30 PM for students and the general public. To Register for the Exam please email “exam at” or use the following link:
The ARRL exam fee is $15 for those over 18 and $5 for those under 18, payable to the Reading Radio Club. New licensees must also pay a $35 FCC fee, while there is no FCC fee for license upgrades.
Dec 17, 2023 | Club event, Education, STEM
ARRL Kids Day Event
Jan. 6, 2024, 1:00 PM to 6:59 PM
Civil Air Patrol Squadron 904 – Quakertown Airport, 2425 Milford Square Pike, Quakertown, PA 18951
The Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (K3ZMC) and the Education Alliance for Amateur Radio (KE3AAR) will offer an ARRL Kids Day event. The Civil Air Patrol Squadron 904 from Quakertown will be aiding and hosting us at their facilities.
What is Kids Day?
The ARRL offers an event twice a year to promote amateur radio to our youth. Share the excitement with your kids or grandkids, a Scout troop, a church, or the public! Kids Day is designed to give on-the-air experience to young people and foster interest in getting their own license. It is also intended to allow older hams to share their station and love for amateur radio with their children.
For Kids:
If you are a young person interested in amateur radio, stop by during the event. Take the opportunity to get on the air and learn what amateur radio is all about.
For Civil Air Patrol Members:
Stop by and assist in operating the station and expand your knowledge of communications. An amateur radio license can provide valuable knowledge and experience that can be brought over to CAP in your role as a member or if you desire to pursue a Communications specialty track.
For Amateur Radio Operators (We need PAARC member participation):
Listen on any of the following frequencies 10 Meters: 28.350 to 28.400 MHz, 12 Meters: 24.960 to 24.980 MHz, 15 Meters: 21.360 to 21.400 MHz, 17 Meters: 18.140 to 18.145 MHz, 20 Meters: 14.270 to 14.300 MHz 40 Meters: 7.270 to 7.290 MHz, 80 Meters: 3.740 to 3.940 MHz or the Pottstown Amateur Radio Club repeaters 147.210+ 131.8 and 443.55+ 131.8. FT8 on 40 and 20 Meters. Answer any “CQ Kids Day” calls. The suggested exchange is name, age, location, and favorite color. Be sure to work the same station again if an operator has changed. To draw attention, call “CQ Kids Day.”
If you have any questions, contact Walt Skavinsky (KB3SBC) kb3sbc at radiostemalliance dot org
Oct 27, 2019 | Education, Special Event, STEM
The Educational Alliance for Amateur Radio (EAAR) will be participating in Hawk Mountain Boy Scouts of America Council’s STEM University at Albright College on January 4, 2020. Weather permitting, they will offer a fox hunt ((transmitter hunt) and also on-air contacts to complete the Radio Merit Badge. Listen for them on D-STAR ref63b or the PAARC 2M repeater to coordinate contacts.

Oct 8, 2019 | Amateur Radio, Club Meeting, STEM
Join us for the PAARC monthly club meeting on Friday, November 1st at 7:00 pm for a presentation by Barry Feierman, K3EUI on resistors and resistance. Refreshments: pie and coffee. All are welcome to join us at St. James Lutheran Church, Kugler Rd. and Swamp Pike, Limerick, PA.
There will be a Amateur Radio license exam session prior to the meeting at 5:00 pm. Visit this page for details on how to sign up and what to bring.
Aug 10, 2019 | Events, News, STEM
October 19-21, 2019PHILADELPHIA SCOUTING FESTIVAL- (Jamboree on the Air at Lighthouse Field )
Once again, the Education Alliance for Amateur Radio (EAAR) will participate in the Philadelphia Scouting Festival at Lighthouse Field in Philadelphia. On October 19th, EAAR will have a solar power radio station station set up (Big Green) for both will Jamboree on the Air and the radio merit badge. For more information on the Philadelphia Scouting Festival at Lighthouse Field, please visit
For information about EAAR please visit