PAARC welcomes members to our private Field Day event at Welkinweir beginning at 2:00 pm Saturday, June 26, and ending at noon on Sunday, June 27. Sorry, but this event is not open to the public.
Members will need to sign Welkinweir’s COVID-19 waiver at the sign-in table in order to visit or operate. Our event call is W3U, and the GOTA station will be K3ZMC. There will be a refreshments table in the pavilion.
We expect our classification to be 3A. The following operators will have stations set up for the duration: K3TWL, WA3LAB (CW), and KE3KQ. We anticipate a visit from K0BAK with a VHF 6 station.
The GOTA (Get On The Air) station is available for new hams and those who may not have operated in awhile. Coaching is available from K3AFV.