The next meeting is Friday, Dec. 3rd at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. The VE exam that begins at 4:45 pm take’s place in the meeting hall, so if you arrive before 7:00 pm, please help the examinees focus by speaking softly. Note that If there is any new guidance or update to our schedule it will be sent via and posted to the homepage of www.paarcdotnet.
The church follows CDC guidelines which mean masks are required, except when eating or presenting.
At this meeting:
- Walt, KB3SBC will give a short introduction to Parks on the Air (POTA). If you decide you want to learn more, sign up for his full class on Dec. 19, 2021 from 9:00 am to noon at the Upper Pottsgrove Twp. building. Visit to learn more. Register for Walt’s Dec. 19th class here:
- We will hold an election for 2022 board positions. Current licensed members may vote.
- Please feel free to bring a recent home-brew item or kit build to show us, or bring an item to sell.
- We are accepting dues payments for 2022 at this meeting. See Melody, KB3SJR to make a payment; our treasurer will be away.