From the ARRL

ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® is tracking how amateur radio is proving critical in areas hit hard by Hurricane Helene, especially in North and South Carolina, portions of Tennessee, and beyond. In the hardest-hit Asheville, North Carolina, area, homes and entire towns have been swept away by flood waters and mudslides. Over 200 people have been killed, and many more are still missing.

Widespread devastation has damaged the power grid and roads, and many residents are without cell phone service and other utilities. For several days, radio communications were the only means of passing information. Ham radio continues to play a significant role in this situation.

In North Carolina, all official emergency radio communications are done through NC AUXCOMM. NC Division of Emergency Management Senior External Affairs Specialist Brian Haines says hams are deployed. “Amateur radio operators are working side by side with first responder communications personnel all over Western North Carolina. Needless to say, we are interested in highlighting all they are doing but at this point they are heavily involved in response efforts, which is where we need to focus,” he said.

Winlink, which provides email over amateur radio, has been used significantly in the recovery. ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, says the recent FCC removal of symbol rate restrictions has allowed a streamlined response using modern technology.  “Winlink is an example of how modern tools work well within the Amateur Radio Service. Not having to petition the FCC for a waiver of the old rules allowed Winlink to be used immediately during this emergency,” he said. ARRL had advocated for the change, which was implemented in 2023.

Significant stories of the response from individual hams is emerging, particularly from those who have created pop-up nets to pass health and welfare traffic. Using mountaintop repeaters that have robust power backups, HF frequencies, and Winlink, ham radio operators are putting in their time, talents, and personal gear to good use.

Read the full article, and associated media coverage, here:

See the map of Winlink coverage here:

ARRL is the National Association for Amateur Radio in the US