Jan. 29 – 30: Winter Field Day
January 29 to 30, 2022 - Several PAARC members are planning to work outside their QTH for Winter Field Day. The team that created the event says it is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun...
Friday, Jan. 7 Meeting on Zoom – Grounding with KC3SLM
The Friday Jan, 7th club meeting was on Zoom. We had thirty people attend. The presentation topic was grounding, bonding, and shielding, and the presenter was J.R. McGee, KC3SLM. View the presentation as a pdf:...
Friday, Dec. 3rd Meeting: Intro to POTA with KB3SBC
The next meeting is Friday, Dec. 3rd at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. The VE exam that begins at 4:45 pm take's place in the meeting hall, so if you arrive before 7:00 pm, please help the examinees focus by speaking softly. Note...
Friday, Nov. 5th – Monthly Meeting
Friday, Nov. 5th at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA We look forward to seeing members in person at the first Friday meeting. The VE exam will take place in the meeting hall, so if you come to the meeting early, please help the...
11/6 – 7 Operation Able Archer special event with KB3SBC
Able Archer 2021 Special Event 6 Nov 2021 1400 hrs UTC through 7 Nov 2021 1700 hrs UTC Fort Miles, Lewes DE The cold war home Naval Facility Lewes (NAVFAC Lewes), a Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) shore terminal. Operation will be on 29.65 mc FM, 51.00 mc FM, 75...
10/28 – Remote License Test with N1LC for GLAARG
Take your Amateur Radio license exam in the comfort of your own ham with Lamonte, N1LC and GLAARG on Thursday, Oct 28th at 7:00 pm. Visit hamstudy.org/find a session/remote/choose Glaarg/Oct 28 N1LC OR use the link below to go to the sign up page:...
Friday, Oct. 1st Meeting
Members are welcome to join us at 7:00 pm on Friday, Oct. 1st for our first in-person gathering since the pandemic began. We will return to St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick. There is no presenter scheduled, but there will be hotdogs and Ed K3BVQ's famous beans!...
PA QSO Party is Oct. 9 & 10
The 65th Annual PA QSO Party will begin on Sat., 10/9, 1600 - 0400 UTC (noon to midnight EDT), and Sun., Oct. 10, 1300 - 2200 UTC (9:00 am to 6:00 pm EDT). The 2021 bonus station is W3RRR. PA QSO Party homepage: https://paqso.org/index.html Rules:...
Oct. 23 – HRAC Oktoberfest Hamfest
Saturday, Oct. 23rd is the Harrisburg Radio Amateur Club Oktoberfest HAMFEST 7 am to 11 am. Flea market and electronics tailgate. Vietnam Veterans of America 8000 Derry Street Harrisburg, PA. $5 admission per person. See the...