PA House Bill 37 Adversely Affects Amateur Radio
ARRL EPA Section Manager, George Miller, W3GWM, and Atlantic Division Vice-Director, Bob Famiglio, K3RF urge Pennsylvania amateurs to write to their PA State Senators about House Bill 37. On HB 37, now in the Transportation Committee: 1. There is a serious flaw in...
Club Meeting – 2/7: Mesh Networks
Join us at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick, PA for a presentation on AREDN mesh networks by Tom Nolan, W3EX. Tom is our Montgomery County ARES Emergency Coordinator. Refreshments served. All are welcome to attend. There will also be an amateur radio...
Member Dues are Due
Our membership year is the calendar year so your renewal dues are due and payable by Jan 1, 2020. See our Treasurer, Nate, N2ADD to make a payment at a monthly meeting, or use any of the following payment methods: Pay In person at a meeting. Cash, check or money...
PAARC Nominates and Elects 2020 Board of Directors
At the November 1, 2019 meeting we held nominations for the 2020 PAARC Board of Directors. The following members were nominated for positions, and since they were the only nominations, they accepted these positions on the board for next year: 2020 Officers with one...
10M Roundtable Net Nightly at 9 PM
Try checking out 28.421 USB nightly at 9:00 PM (except Wed.). We're trying to form the 10 meter Roundtable Net. Dennis, KA3RIX will be net control.
Control Ops Needed for EPA Section Nets
Posted: 11/18/19: Net Control Operators are needed for EPAEPTN. At the moment I have openings available Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. NCS is also needed for the PA Fone Net on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you are interested in any session, please contact...
Eastern Pennsylvania Traffic Nets
Eastern Pennsylvania Traffic Nets Updated on 11/31/2019 Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) (CW) 3585 Khz (CW) 7PM and 10PM Daily Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net (EPAEPTN) 3917 KHz (LSB) 5 PM Local Time Daily...
Winter Field Day – 1/25-26
Jan. 25-26 Winter Field Day - The purpose of Winter Field Day is to foster Ham camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating preparedness, and just plain on the air, outdoor fun in the midst of winter for American, Canadian and DX...
Help Save Winlink & PACTOR – Act Today!
5 November 2019 To: All Amateur Radio Emergency Coordinators throughout the United States From: Radio Relay International Ref: The Future of the Winlink System and PACTOR Does your ARES, RACES or similar local emergency communications unit use Winlink, DTN or similar...