Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (PAARC) is an ARRL affiliated club with educational programs of interest to amateur radio operators on first Fridays in Limerick, PA. We offer weekly radio nets, license exams, and operating opportunities to build skills and advance the interest, knowledge, fraternalism of amateur radio in the community, and to serve the public interest and safety.  PAARC operates 4 FM repeaters including C4FM analog and digital, and APRS Digi.


Emergency Preparedness SET – Oct. 6-7

Oct. 6-7  Emergency Preparedness Simuated Emergency Test The 2018 ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET) national emergency exercise is designed to assess the skills and preparedness of Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers, as well as those affiliated with...

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Club Meeting: Antenna Propagation 10/5

Join us on Friday, Oct. 5th, 2018 for a club meeting at 7:00 pm. Topic: Antenna Propagaton, with Barry Fierman, K3EUI. Refreshments served. All are welcome to attend. Location: St. James Lutheran Church, Kugler Rd. and Swamp Pike, Limerick, PA. We offer a License Exam...

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Mid-Atlantic VHF Conference – 9/28-30

Sept. 28-30  Mid-Atlantic States VHF Conference,  Sponsored by the Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club, aka the Packrats Radio, at the Holiday Inn Bensalem-Philadelphia, 3327 Street Road​, Bensalem. http://packratvhf.com/index.php/vhf-conference​ FRIDAY FREE seminar “N1MM...

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Field Day 2018 Submission

A group of PAARC members and vistors had a great time at Field Day at Welkinweir in Pottstown. Our claimed score was 4,738. The site was spectacular, the weather was cool, and the bugs were few. Read our recap on PAARC Field Day page. Thanks to all who operated,...

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Amateur Radio at Exeter STEM Fair

Exeter Township School District hosted their annual "Spring in to STEM" fair on April 26, 2018. The purpose of the event is to engage students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Club members Jon Durand, N8EUL, and Shawn Pauley, W3SMP,...

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PAOP Fly-In Breakfast – 9/16

Due to anticipated rain, the PAOP Fly-In Breakfast has been postponed to Sunday, Sept. 16. The location is Heritage Field, in Limerick, PA.  See modern, antique airplanes and warbirds, go for an airplane ride, and more! Breakfast: $8 for adults, $5 or kids. See the...

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PAARC Fox Hunt – 9/8

The next PAARC foxhunt (transmitter hunt) will be this coming Saturday, Sept. 8, with a 9:00 am start. We are starting an hour earlier than past hunts. We'll begin at the Pottsgrove Middle School upper parking lot 1351 N. Hanover St. Pottstown 19464. All are welcome....

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Club Meeting: SKYWARN – 9/7

Our September first Friday meeting on 9/7 at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, Kugler Rd. and Swamp Pike in Limerick.  There will be a SKYWARN training class by Lou Ruh / WX3I, Mt. Holly Skywarn PA Region Coordinator. Members, prospective hams, and the public are...

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NASA on the Air Event – 12/17 – 12/18 

The Amateur Radio clubs at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) centers around the US have invited the Amateur Radio community to join the NASA On The Air (NOTA) special event. NOTA gets under way in December 2017 and continues through December 2018....

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147.21 / 147.81 MHz  PL 131.8
224.02 / 222.42 MHz  PL 131.8
443.55 / 448.55 MHz  PL 131.8


First Friday Meetings are at 7:00 pm
at St. James Lutheran Church except in summer
⇒ Jan. 5  Drones
⇒ Feb. 2  Radiation & You
⇒ Mar. 1  Oscilloscopes & Multimeters
⇒ Apr. 5  Antique Radios
⇒ May 3  Police Technology
⇒ June 7 Ice Cream Social
⇒ July 5 & Aug. 2 online only
⇒ Sept. 6 Club Social
⇒ Oct. 4  Fire Safety
⇒ Nov. 1 Board Nominations
⇒ Dec. 6 Member Night & Election

See Club Calendar for Google Meet login

⇒ Apr. 28 PAARC in the Park POTA
⇒ June 8 Fox Hunt
⇒ June 22-23  Field Day at Welkinweir

⇒ Oct. 28 on Google Meet

Held on most first Fridays at 5:00 pm
except during July & Aug.
No walk-ins. Dates may change.
Next exam: Jan. 3, 2025
Register for an Exam

All hams welcome.
WQ Diner, 99 King St.-Rt. 100, Pottstown 
⇒ Sun. 7 am 
⇒ Wed. 9 am 




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  • Pottstown, PA