PAOP Fly-In Breakfast – 9/16
Due to anticipated rain, the PAOP Fly-In Breakfast has been postponed to Sunday, Sept. 16. The location is Heritage Field, in Limerick, PA. See modern, antique airplanes and warbirds, go for an airplane ride, and more! Breakfast: $8 for adults, $5 or kids. See the...
PAARC Fox Hunt – 9/8
The next PAARC foxhunt (transmitter hunt) will be this coming Saturday, Sept. 8, with a 9:00 am start. We are starting an hour earlier than past hunts. We'll begin at the Pottsgrove Middle School upper parking lot 1351 N. Hanover St. Pottstown 19464. All are welcome....
Club Meeting: SKYWARN – 9/7
Our September first Friday meeting on 9/7 at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, Kugler Rd. and Swamp Pike in Limerick. There will be a SKYWARN training class by Lou Ruh / WX3I, Mt. Holly Skywarn PA Region Coordinator. Members, prospective hams, and the public are...
NASA on the Air Event – 12/17 – 12/18
The Amateur Radio clubs at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) centers around the US have invited the Amateur Radio community to join the NASA On The Air (NOTA) special event. NOTA gets under way in December 2017 and continues through December 2018....
ARRL International Grid Chase: Jan. – Dec.
ARRL International Grid Chase - New Year's Eve to Dec. 31 An event for all radio amateurs. Taking part is as simple as just getting on the air and making contacts: The objective of the year-long event is to work stations on any band (except 60 meters) in as many...
Fox Hunts – 8/11 & 12
The PAARC Foxhunt is on SATURDAY August 11th at 10:00 AM - starting at Pottsgrove Middle School. The Reading Radio Club Foxhunt is on SUNDAY August 12th (the next day) at 1:00 PM starting at the Pagoda on Mt. Penn. Glenn, AB3TQ will be the fox for both hunts. Even if...
RRC Hamfest – 8/4
8/4 Reading Radio Club Hamest (Reading, PA area) - View event flyer: Location: Heritage Park, 992 Clematis St, Sinking Spring, PA. Opens at 8 AM, Vendors 7 AM; Auction at 12 Noon (for unsold items...
Ice Cream Social – 8/3
Club members and friends are welcome to join us for our annual ice cream social on Friday, Aug. 3, at 7:00 pm. Enjoy a fun eyeball QSO with friends and a sundae bar plus root beer floats. Bring a home brew project to show off and share. Monthly presentations and VE...
PAARC Fox Hunt – 7/28
Dori K3TES and I will be hosting the next PAARC foxhunt on July 28th at 10:00 am starting from the Pottsgrove Middle School, 1351 N. Hanover St. Hope to see the usual gang plus some new hunters! - Al, AG3T (See the Fox Hunt web page for more info on transmitter...