Winter Field Day – Jan. 27 & 28
Baby it's cold outside, but that shouldn't stop you from working ham radio! Check out the Winter Field Day Assoc. event for camaraderie, field operation, emergency operating preparedness, and outdoor fun, all in the midst of winter! The last full weekend in...
2017 PAARC Honorees
In case you missed the Dec. meeting, we honored the following members for their contributions to the club: Bob Rex, K3DBD - Chairman of the Technical Committee and longtime supporter of the club and its members. Bob put the club repeaters on the air way back when, so...
ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, to Retire 01/18/2018 ARRL’s chief executive officer for the past 2 years, Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, announced his retirement as CEO, as the ARRL Board of Directors prepares to meet January 19-20. He will step down on March 2. Gallagher, who had earlier advised ARRL...
Club Meeting & VE Test – Feb. 2
Join us on Friday, Feb. 2nd, 2018 at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. Club Meeting – 7:00 pm: Amateur Radio and Sailing, with Donna Ferron, KB3ZCB. Refreshments served. All are welcome to attend. License Exam Session – 5:00 pm – Go for your...
Club Meeting & VE Test – Jan. 5
Join us on Friday, Dec. 1st, 2018 at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., Limerick, PA. License Exam Session – 5:00 pm – Go for your Amateur Radio license or try for an upgrade. Pre-register by sending a request to VETesting@PAARC.NET. Test sessions are...
Breakfast at Potts & Penn – Jan. 10
Catch up with old firends and make new ones at the monthly breakfast on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 9:00 am, at the Potts & Penn Diner at 80 E High St. and South York St.) in Pottstown, PA. Meets next on Jan., 10, 2018 at 9:00 am.
New Book – Local History of Telegraphy
PAARC member, Ed Breneiser - WA3WSJ, just completed his new book on the Philadelphia Reading & Pottsville Telegraph Company. Get a copy for $8.99, plus shipping. "While researching a book about the birth of the electro magnetic telegraph in the Unites States of...
Longtime member Jim Steiner, W3BWD SK
With great sadness we mourn the loss of Jim Steiner, W3BWD. Jim passed passed on to the heavens on May 25, 2017. It was only last December that we honored Jim for his service as a founding member of the Pottstown Area Repeater Team, the precursor to PAARC. Jim housed...
Harrisburg Winterfest – Jan. 13
Harrisburg Radio Amateurs Club WINTERFEST - Jan. 13 Harrisburg Radio Amateurs Club will host their 2018 WinterFest on Jan. 13, at the Vietnam Veterans of America (8000 Derry Street, Harrisburg). Admission is $3/person. Testing at 9:00am. Click here for flyer.