Club Meeting – Dec. 2
It's the last meeting of the year and our first-ever "Member Night", where members will present on interesting things they'd like to share with us. It's also member recognition night, so join us to celebrate the invaluable service of some of our PAARC members. Jim...
6 Meter Magic Band Nets
We just had another new check-in on the Magician’s Net this week. His name is John, and his call is W3KFT (Kentucky Fried Turkey). For all you VHF fans John also runs a 6 meter net on 50.550 MHz (usb) at 9pm on Sunday evenings under the club call of W3AWA. It’s...
VE Test & Meeting – Nov. 4
First Friday PAARC events are held at St. James Lutheran Church, at the intersection of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA: VE Test Session – at 5:00 pm: Go for your license or try for an upgrade. Pre-register by sending a request to VETesting@PAARC.NET. Test...
Fox Hunt – Oct. 29
The last transmitter hunt aka fox hunt of the 2016 season was held on October 29, 2016. Weather was sunny, but a cool 36 degrees F at 10 am. Bill (W3FRB) and Jane (KC3FSR) were the foxes. The hunters included Al(AG3T) and Dori (K3TES), Bob (K3DBD), and Jim (K3CHJ) and...
ARRL Contest Rule Change for Clubs
The ARRL recently announced they were making changes to the club competition rules, effective with the November CW Sweepstakes and affecting all 9 ARRL HF and VHF contests that offer a club competition category. Basically they've set up a new web site where the club...
RF Hill Hamfest – Oct. 16
RF Hill Hamfest Sunday, October 16, 7:00 am – 1:00 pm Sellersville Fire House - 50 North Main Street, Sellersville, PA 18960 Talk-In: 145.31+ (PL 131.8) - GPS Latitude 40.358° N, Longitude 75.309° W The RF Hill Hamfest features computers, electronics, amateur radio...
Fly-In Breakfast Recap
Sept. 11, Fly-In Breakfast Recap PAOP, EAA, Chapter 1250 We had a good time this year at the PAOP Fly-In Breakfast. Glen WA3LAB brought his remote radio using a Kenwood TS 480 interfaced with his cell phone. On the table he unpacked his TS 480 control head and...
Recap: PAARC at 4H Fair
PAARC at the 2016 Montgomery County 4H Fair On August 12 and 13, the Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club operated and did demos of amateur radio for the public. This was our third year at the fair. Thanks go to Wes N3HWH who got the club involved back in 2014. It is a...
PA QSO Party – Oct. 8 & 9
Join PAARC members in participating in another fun PA QSO Party for 2016! Pennsylvania Amateurs will try to contact as many other amateurs in Pennsylvania, the United States, Canada and the world in this two day contest. Some forty-five plaques will be awarded...