UPDATE – Club Meeting moved to March 11th
2/12 - We've had to move our meeting to a later date. The church is having work done in the room where we meet. Mark your calendar for the new date: Friday, March 11, at 7:00 pm. Pete Kobak/K0BAK will present on getting started on operating mobile in HF and VHF...
WV3P Tips for Learning Morse Code
We enjoyed another great Wednesday night on the Magicians Net (50.130 MHz @ 8:30 pm). With all the talk going on about operating 160 meters, QRP, vertical antennas vs. horizontal, and other topics too numerous to mention, I’d like to mention another topic that seems...
PAARC Newsletter
View the February 2016 newsletter.
Dues are Due
It's time to renew your club membership for 2016. Please see Nate (N2ADD) at the next club meeting to pay your club dues: $25 for individuals, $5 for additional family members, $10 for students, $5 for associate members. Dues are also accepted by mail at PAARC, PO Box...
Club Meeting on Feb. 5th
The 7:00 pm meeting presentation on Friday, Feb. 5th will feature Jim/KJ3P on the role of the ARRL Official Observer (OO). The meeting location is St. James Lutheran Church, at the intersection of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd. There will be an Amateur Radio license exam...
Amateur Radio License Exam on Feb 5th
PAARC will offer an Amateur Radio License testing session on Friday, February 5th, 2015 at 5:00 pm, before our regular First Friday meeting at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd., (intersection of Swamp Pike & Kugler Rd.) Limerick, PA 19468. Go for your...
Club Meeting on January 8th @ 7:00 pm
The club thanks PAARC member Ed - W3WSJ, for presenting on digital radio and answering our many questions at the Jan. 8 meeting. To learn more about Yaesu Fusion digital radio, and the many other interesting things Ed does with amateur radio including his QRP...
December 4th Club Meeting
The 7:00 pm meeting presentation is experimental airplanes, with Fred - KB3YAY. Meeting location: St. James Lutheran Church, at the intersection of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd.
The current club officer and board member nominations are the currently incumbent officer and board members. If you want to nominate someone else to a board or officer position, please email the club secretary at secretary@paarc.net.