Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (PAARC) is an ARRL affiliated club with educational programs of interest to amateur radio operators on first Fridays in Limerick, PA. We offer weekly radio nets, license exams, and operating opportunities to build skills and advance the interest, knowledge, fraternalism of amateur radio in the community, and to serve the public interest and safety.  PAARC operates 4 FM repeaters including C4FM analog and digital, and APRS Digi.


October 2nd Meeting

October Meeting: Friday, Oct. 2nd @ 7:00 pm  Limerick Drill Radiological Training for Amateur Radio Operators, presented by Jeff Dean of PECO. Refreshments will be served.  St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick - at the intersection of Swamp Pike and Kugler Rd....

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Repeater Shed Repair Fund

Repeater Shed Update Ed - N3WXW, and Tom - K3TWL, have determined what materials are need to repair the repeater shed which has suffered from years of water incursion and wood rot. https://www.paarc.net/wp-admin/edit.phpThe shed needs a new roof and much more so that...

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6 Meter Net from French Creek Fire Tower

The Wed., 8/12, 6 meter net was a great time.  I thank everyone for their participation.  I arrived at the Fire Tower around 3pm to start setting things up, and the next thing I know here comes Ed/N3WXW to the rescue with Citronella candles in tow.  Tom/K3TWL was on...

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July Newsletter Update

Get the latest info on club happenings in July and early August -  click here for the July update. You didn't get the June update email?  Contact the club Secretary Bill (W3FRB) secretary@paarc.net

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147.21 / 147.81 MHz  PL 131.8
224.02 / 222.42 MHz  PL 131.8
443.55 / 448.55 MHz  PL 131.8


First Friday Meetings are at 7:00 pm
at St. James Lutheran Church except in summer
⇒ Jan. 3  Antenna Analyzers
⇒ Feb. 7 Senior Scams
⇒ March 7 Tech Talk
⇒ April 4 POTA

⇒ May 4 PAARC in the Park
Evansburg SP POTA

Held on most first Fridays at 4:45 pm
except during July & Aug.
No walk-ins. Dates may change.
Next exam: Fri., April 4
Register for an Exam

All hams welcome.
WQ Diner, 99 King St.-Rt. 100, Pottstown 
⇒ Sundays 7 am 
⇒ Weds. 9 am 




  • UTC
  • Pottstown, PA