Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club (PAARC) is an ARRL affiliated club with educational programs of interest to amateur radio operators on first Fridays in Limerick, PA. We offer weekly radio nets, license exams, and operating opportunities to build skills and advance the interest, knowledge, fraternalism of amateur radio in the community, and to serve the public interest and safety.  PAARC operates 4 FM repeaters including C4FM analog and digital, and APRS Digi.


May 20 – Fox Hunt

The next PAARC fox hunt will be Saturday May 20, at 9:30 AM. (Rain date May 27.) The start will be at the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464   N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min. AG3T will be the fox.

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April 18 – World Amateur Radio Day

From the ARRL:  World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is held on April 18 every year and is celebrated by radio amateurs and their national associations which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that...

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Spring 2023 SET / Red Cross Winlink Exercise

On April 1 the EPA and WPA participated in statewide Winlink exercise in cooperation with the American Red Cross. The drill, coordinated by Red Cross DCS Jay King, W2AFE and his team, was a resounding success with more than 112 operators sending 350 messages to...

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April 7 – Monthly Meeting: FLAMP & FLDIGI with N2ADD

Area hams are welcome to join us for our Friday, April 7th monthly meeting at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Refreshments will be served.  The April meeting is a follow up by Nate Rosenthal, N2ADD to the Fldigi presentation he...

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March 3 – Monthly Meeting: Civil Air Patrol, with KB3SBC

Join us for our monthly meeting on Friday, March 3rd at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Road in Limerick, PA. Walt Skavinsky, KB3SBC will give a presentation on the Civil Air Patrol. All are welcome.  An Amateur Radio license exam will take place at...

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Winlink for Rookies Class

A “Winlink for Rookies” class is now in the works with priority signups for operators in the EPA section of ARRL. This will be a four week series of meetings, all on Zoom. You do not need to be an ARRL member. There is no fee. Download Winlink Express and register...

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UNESCO World Radio Day – Feb. 13

World Radio Day is February 13, 2023 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, known as UNESCO, declared World Radio Day to be a celebration of the contributions this communications medium can make towards peace. The theme for this years'...

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147.21 / 147.81 MHz  PL 131.8
224.02 / 222.42 MHz  PL 131.8
443.55 / 448.55 MHz  PL 131.8


⇒ Jan. 3  Antenna Analyzers
⇒ Feb. 7  Senior Scams
⇒ March 7 TBD

First Friday Meetings are at 7:00 pm
at St. James Lutheran Church except in summer
⇒ Jan. 5  Drones
⇒ Feb. 2  Radiation & You
⇒ Mar. 1  Oscilloscopes & Multimeters
⇒ Apr. 5  Antique Radios
⇒ May 3  Police Technology
⇒ June 7 Ice Cream Social
⇒ July 5 & Aug. 2 online only
⇒ Sept. 6 Club Social
⇒ Oct. 4  Fire Safety
⇒ Nov. 1 Board Nominations
⇒ Dec. 6 Member Night & Election

See Club Calendar for Google Meet login

⇒ Apr. 28 PAARC in the Park POTA
⇒ June 8 Fox Hunt
⇒ June 22-23  Field Day at Welkinweir

⇒ Feb. 3, 2025

Held on most first Fridays at 5:00 pm
except during July & Aug.
No walk-ins. Dates may change.
Next exam: Jan. 3, 2025
Register for an Exam

All hams welcome.
WQ Diner, 99 King St.-Rt. 100, Pottstown 
⇒ Sundays 7 am 
⇒ Weds. 9 am 




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  • Pottstown, PA