June 24-25: PAARC Field Day
The PAARC 2023 Field Day event is at beautiful Welkinweir again. The park is not open to the public on weekends, so this is a members-only event, though members may bring their friends and family to experience ham radio and get on the GOTA station, with or without...
13 Colonies Special Event
The 15th Annual 13 Colonies Special Event 2022 Event Dates / July 1 (9AM Eastern) to July 7 (Midnight Eastern) (July 1, 2022-1300 UTC to July 8, 2022-0400 UTC)Sponsored by The U.S. Original 13 Colonies Group http://www.13colonies.us with the Holmesburg Amateur Radio...
July 1: Fox Hunt
PAARC's planned June 24 fox hunt was postponed to Sat., July 1st at 9:00 AM. The start will be at the Upper Parking Lot at the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464 N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min. AG3T will be the fox. Learn more...
June 2nd Meeting: Wargaming WW1 Battle of Tannenberg with KC3SGO
Join us for the PAARC first Friday monthly meeting on June 2, at 700 pm at St. James Lutheran Church in Limerick, PA. Bryan Leshenskie, KC3SGO will demonstrate the Battle of Tannenberg using wargaming, and will explain how radio played a decisive role in the battle....
May 20 – Fox Hunt
The next PAARC fox hunt will be Saturday May 20, at 9:30 AM. (Rain date May 27.) The start will be at the Pottsgrove Middle School on 1351 N. Hanover St., Pottstown 19464 N 40 deg., 16.27 min, W 75 deg. 38.15 min. AG3T will be the fox.
May 5 – Monthly Meeting: Pedestrian Mobile with Ed Breneiser, WA3WSJ
Join us on Friday, May 5th, 2023 at 7:00 pm for the PAARC monthly meeting at 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Ed Breneiser, WA3WSJ will give a presentation on Pedestrian Mobile. If you like and amateur radio and backpacking, QRP, or POTA, you will enjoy this...
April 18 – World Amateur Radio Day
From the ARRL: World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) is held on April 18 every year and is celebrated by radio amateurs and their national associations which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that...
Spring 2023 SET / Red Cross Winlink Exercise
On April 1 the EPA and WPA participated in statewide Winlink exercise in cooperation with the American Red Cross. The drill, coordinated by Red Cross DCS Jay King, W2AFE and his team, was a resounding success with more than 112 operators sending 350 messages to...
April 7 – Monthly Meeting: FLAMP & FLDIGI with N2ADD
Area hams are welcome to join us for our Friday, April 7th monthly meeting at 7:00 pm at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Refreshments will be served. The April meeting is a follow up by Nate Rosenthal, N2ADD to the Fldigi presentation he...