Summer Hamfests 2022
Here is a list of regional Hamfests in July through October: July 2 HRAC Harrisburg Firecracker HAMFEST & ARRL State Convention Begins at 8 am. $7. Harrisburg Postal Picnic Grounds, 1500 Roberts Valley Rd., Harrisburg Flyer:...
August 5 – Club Meets on Zoom at 7 pm
We'll meet on Zoom or the August 5th club meeting at 7:00 pm. We'll discuss upcoming hamfests and the club's member tables at the MARC Hamfest sat the Kimberton Fire Company grounds on 8/14. Contact the secretary for credentials. We expect to resume in-person...
July 1 – Club Meets on Zoom: Field Day Recap & 13 Colonies Event
Members, please join us on Friday, July 1st at 7:00 pm for our monthly meeting on Zoom. We’ll have a field day recap and a discussion about the 13 Colonies Special Event that runs from July 1-7. Please share your strategies for getting the 13 state colony stations and...
July 1 -7: 13 Colonies Special Event
The Fourteenth Annual 13 Colonies Special Event This year’s theme: Land Battles of the Revolution July 1 (9AM Eastern) to July 7 (Midnight Eastern) (July 1, 2022-1300 UTC to July 8, 2022-0400 UTC) In addition to the 13 state stations, there...
June 25 – 26 PAARC Field Day
PAARC Members: You, your family and guests are invited to the club's private field day event at Welkinweir. PAARC field day is not open to the public this year. We will be classified as 4A, and operating as W3U. We hope to have a GOTA station on the air for some hours...
June 3rd Meeting: Field Day, on Zoom
Members, please join us on Friday, June 3rd at 7:00 pm on Zoom to discuss our Field Day plans, including how you can support your club while working Field Day at home. This meeting moved online for the safety of our members because Montgomery County is experiencing a...
May 6th meeting: SKYWARN Storm Spotter Program Training
Join us for SKYWARN Storm Spotter Program training with Lou Ruh, WX3I on Friday, May 6, 2022 at St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Rd. in Limerick, PA. Open to all: You do not need to be a PAARC member or have an amateur radio license to attend. We follow CDC and...
George Miller, W3GWM re-elected as ARRL EPA Section Manager
Jan. 11, 2022 - The ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, is pleased to report the re-election of George W. Miller, W3GWM to a third 2-year term as section manager for the 34 counties of Eastern Pennsylvania (EPA). Miller resides in Wyalusing, PA. As the...
New EPA Section Emergency Coordinator – Bob Wilson, W3BIG
New Section Emergency Coordinator -Bob Wilson, W3BIG is the new ARRL ARES EPA Section Emergency Coordinator. He came on board Dec. 1, 2021. Bob lives in Upper Chichester Township, Delaware County. Bob has been a Ham since 1978, was previously the Emergency Coordinator...